Wednesday, November 28, 2007

The Inconvenient Truth Light Show

Onondaga Lake Parkway is the site of annual "Lights on a Lake" festival. For our final project in CAS 100 our group was thinking of creating another lights on the lake but not with a Christmas theme. Instead we want to create a show of lights with the symbols of pollution like dead fish and smokestacks from the surrounding industries because of the serious contamination of Onondaga Lake. Also our light show would be year round because pollution is a problem all year not just during one time of season. The show should serve as a kind of public awareness and how it is not going to get better if we do not do anything. This light show will be open to the public for a minimal fee because the money we do make out of it will go into the clean up of the lake.

The "Inconvenient Truth Light Show " would be set up on a street or what ever open land there is next to the lake because the project is featuring the lake so it would be the appropriate location. This project is an integration of the community because we would want the community to give us ideas and help us set it up. As long as we get enough community members to participate in the development of the project, then getting permission should be no problem because we are only trying to raise awareness and raise money for clean ups. This project will not disrupt the daily life of people though it may spark some controversy with the companies who pollute. This project has inspiration from Damali Ayo's reparation project because in her dialogue she tries to raise awareness of the suffering of African American people back in the slave trading days. Likewise this project is also intended to raise awareness of the dangers of pollution in the clean looking lake.

Click on this link to see the enlargement of the above map. Also Google Maps is a good site to see the location of Lights on the Lake in Syracuse.

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