Thursday, November 1, 2007

The Battle of Orgreave


1)Describe the battle and its significance
2)The consequences and results
3)How Deller came up with this idea and how it has shaped the way of life in England
4)The participants and the audience
5)Consequences and how the battle was only told from one perspective
6)The Artist's intention for this project

2 Thesis:

1)Why is this project so significant in the way it portrays the miners and officers?

2)How did this project help bring to light the suffering of the miners even years after the battle (Families torn apart and no jobs)?


1)I wanted to make The Battle of Orgreave"a part of the lineage of decisive battles in English History" (Deller's Book)

2)"People at times were veered towards real violence" in the re-enactment (Journal article)

3)This project is based on "the kind of interactions between the artist and the respective community partner" (Kwon's Book)

4)"I saw one man, about 50, sitting on a wall trying to get his breath. A mounted copper came along and hit him on his forehead right over the wall" (Journal article)

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